Project portfolio
Construction of bridge P-12156 on Route 153 above the Lavergne stream
Investment: $1,500,000
Ministry of Transport
Direction de la Mauricie centre-du-Québec
100 rue Laviolette, 4th floor
Trois-Rivières, QC G9A 5S9
Phone: 819-371-6896
Fax: 819-371-6136
100 rue Laviolette, 4th floor
Trois-Rivières, QC G9A 5S9
Phone: 819-371-6896
Fax: 819-371-6136
Demolition and reconstruction of a reinforced concrete bridge at Baie-de-Shawinigan.
First, a temporary detour on the St-Maurice had to be built to accommodate traffic during the demolition and reconstruction of the bridge. Approximately 100,000 tonnes of rock were needed to construct this temporary road.
The original bridge was then demolished and replaced by a beam bridge made of reinforced concrete, poured on site.
Length of project: 4 months.
Building on Solid Ground